Our history
Our is an organic a family farm, based in Raffadali, a small village in the province of Agrigento, a land traditionally renowned for its high quality agricultural production, not surprisingly chosen by the Greeks for the happy geographical position and fertility inland that supported the extraordinary development and economic growth of polis “Akragantina”.
In less than two centuries from its foundation dated in the 580 a.c ( around 2600 years ago), Akragas became one of the most populated cities in the Greek empire and one of the propulsive centers of Hellenic culture in the Mediterranean and then passed under countless dominations that influenced culture and traditions without losing its historical characteristics.
Among them are the olives and Almonds cultivations which the Greek brought and since then became part of our culture and our landscape.

Keeping links with this culture is a challenge for all Sicilians, who over the years has increasingly featured our activity, which maintains strong links with local culture and traditions but at the same time tries to keep pace with the constant changes that have always typify work in the countryside.
With a total extension of about 50 hectares, the respect for the environment, the natural cycles of plants and the genuineness of products are the constant reference points of our work.
The great part of the extension is destined to the cultivation of olives and almonds trees; the remaining part is instead used for sowing cereals, smaller quantities of walnuts, pistachios, carob trees and other fruits.
Choosing an organic product of 100% Italian origin means supporting local producers, the economy of your land, and above all choosing a healthy product.
Our project is to enhance the products of our territory in compliance with organic farming practices. The early harvest of the olives, the milling within the day of the harvest, the storage of the almonds in shell, which allows the fruit to preserve all its properties, are just some of the practices we follow to ensure the full satisfaction of our customers.
The choice of a 100% organic agriculture is to be ascribed to the founder of the company, Dr. Raffaele Terrazzino, my dad is a doctor who once retired, decides to turn what was a inherited from farmer parents into a real business company, today after about 20 years, we can say that we
have carved out an important niche for what concerns the production of high quality products and the continuous recognition and appreciation that we receive from our customers, are the flywheel that pushes us to deal with the same strength and the same commitment of the first days the challenges that we face daily.
BIO 100%
The benefits generated by organic farming are many, and they are worth so much for our land as for the consumer.
Buying organic products means choosing healthier products for your health, but it also means contributing personally to safeguarding the resources of your planet.
The Organic Farming
The impossibility of using pesticides or chemical fertilizers is one of the most important conditions for the practice of organic agriculture, which brings the farmer very close to the earth in an almost symbiotic relationship, the interventions are limited to specific needs, and only and exclusively with absolutely natural elements, such as the use of copper powder after pruning.
Fertilization is carried out mainly through a practice called green manure, herbs are planted between the rows which are subsequently buried with the aim of bringing to the soil a whole series of nutrients that the plants need and just when is needed through the use of organic fertilizers of animal origin.
The subsequent processing, storage and bottling cycles are also carried out in a “biological” way, ie without the olives first and the oil then never coming into contact with non-bio raw material elements.
Farming and Factory activities are strictly controlled by the organic certifications bodies, checks are carried out both on the field, through analysis of the soil and leaves of the trees, and on the final product, in this case extra virgin olive oil, through the so-called multiresidual analyzes.
The company also joined to the ISO 9001 quality management system, convinced that a continuous improvement of the company organization can also correspond to an improvement in qualitative and quantitative performances
The company has started to participate in the olive oils competitions from a few years, receiving a recognition that certifies the goodness of your product is a positive element, both from the marketing point of view thanks to the advertising that is obtained but also from the emotional point of view, especially for those like us who really put a lot of effort into what does, little things that give you the push to put even more energy into it and always improve!
- Olive oil Award – Biofach Norimberga 2018
- Olive oil Award – Biofach Norimberga 2020
- EVO IOOC – Silver Medal 2020
- JOOP – Gold Medal 2020